Graham & Debbie

April 11th, 2016

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A welcome surprise seeing Graham and Debbie not far from Goshen, Utah.   They were returning from Capitol Reef and passed me heading south.  They loaded me up with food and a bottle of Graham’s home brew, neither of which I would have found in Goshen on a Sunday.   Had a wonderful camp in Goshen Canyon that night.   This little out-of-the-way loop parallels I-15 a little north of Nephi and can be a  respite from the inevitable freeway burnout one gets coming into SLC from the south.  It gets a bit of traffic now and up until a few years ago it was dirt for a couple of miles.   From a camp overlooking the road I could watch the few cars and noticed nobody really drove very fast.  30 mph max.  It’s like a time warp in there that people seem to want to savor.   Not surprisingly, G & D had just come that way.






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I'm so silly

One thought on “Graham & Debbie”

  1. Steve, I still get a chuckle when I think of our serendipitous meeting in the middle of Nowhere, Utah.
    We speed past in the car.
    I say to Graham, “Wave to Steve.”
    Graham says, “It is Steve!”
    Me, “No effing way!”

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